Monthly Archives: March, 2018

Mayfield Sr. Runs Away With the Circus The circus rolled into town for “The Greatest Show on Bellefontaine Street” as Mayfield Senior School reached new heights of fun, frivolity and fancy...

Huntington Hospital’s New CEO Puts Patients Ahead of Business

Before Dr. Lori J. Morgan makes any big decision as Huntington Hospital president and CEO, there’s a method she likes to use first, where...

HEART Benefit Helps Families in Africa

Event co-chairs Paul and Lori Powell and John and Roxanne Basso welcome guests to the second annual Southern California HEART Gala on Saturday, March...

Supercoders Camp Inspires Young Girls

Two Pasadena-based organizations, codeSpark Academy, the computer science platform for young kids and STEAM:CODERS, a nonprofit organization that teaches underrepresented and underserved kids the...

Shakespeare Club Hosts Rose Queen’s Luncheon

The Shakespeare Club of Pasadena recently welcomed the 100th Rose Queen Isabella Marez and the Royal Court to the villa for the annual Rose...

International Women of Courage Celebration to Be Held March 29

American Women for International Understanding will host the 11th International Women of Courage Celebration in Los Angeles on Thursday, March 29, in collaboration with...

7th Annual Climate Change Forum on March 24

The sky isn’t falling, but the sea is rising — possibly 6 feet or more by 2100. What the latest science tells us about...

Local Girl Scout Digs in to Help Villa Esperanza

Clare Hawkinson of Girl Scout Troop 1961 completed an extensive gardening and landscaping project for Villa School as part of her Girl Scout Silver...

‘Octopus Challenge’ to Screen at Caltech March 24

“The Octopus Challenge,” a high-definition documentary, will be presented on Saturday, March 24, at 4 p.m. in Caltech’s Beckman Auditorium. This program is part...

Assistance League of Pasadena Hosting New Member Coffee

Assistance League of Pasadena is holding a prospective membership coffee at 4 p.m. on Monday, March 26, at 820 E. California Blvd. “For more than...
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